RIP Eduard Khil
Author: alice Date: 14 November, Category: Sad, Visits 3096
[Russian singer Eduard Khil has died at the age of 77, following a stroke. Khil is apparently well known in Russia, though attained belated fame outside of Russia when a musical number he performed on Soviet television in the 1970s, in which he sung nonsense lyrics in a rich baritone over luxuriantly loungy background music, but above all with an infectious sense of good cheer, ended up on YouTube and became a meme.
The songs original title was apparently [I Am So Happy to Finally Be Back Home] (in Russian, of course), though it was changed by the censors and replaced with the immortal words [Trololololo lololo lololo, hahahahaha!], which probably contributed much to its global appeal some decades later.
Khil lived to see his song belatedly become an internet sensation, and was even filmed commenting on covers of it from all over the world].